What is the procedure of canceling AVG Subscription?
AVG antivirus is the best security software that offers complete protection against virus, malware and online threats. It comes with excellent features that fight against unwanted bugs. AVG Account is a platform from where you can look after all the paid subscriptions which have linkage with all your email address. Almost many of the software programs now come with auto-extending or auto-renewal features. Some of the users happy with this feature but some are not happy as they are not using the product but it automatically extends. In that case, it is advisable to cancel the subscriptions by following the below steps very carefully for canceling AVG Subscription . Commonly AVG sends you a notification email that informs you about the upcoming extension 45 days earlier to start this subscription period. Canceling your subscription will not refund the AVG Subscription and you will be able to continue using AVG until your current subscription period deceases. There are two ways t...